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Tell me what you want and I'll show you how to get it.


I'm Mia Kröneck, your mindset coach.


I am a transformation coach helping people find their path and a Proctor Gallagher consultant. I help busy professionals who suffer from overthinking take action to achieve their goals with Thinking into Results personal development program.


I am a transformation expert. I have changed career four times; from a communications consultant in the IT field to a yoga teacher and psychiatric nurse. I currently work as a teacher at a University of Applied Sciences and a mindset coach. I lived in London for 8 years and in Sydney for 9 years. I returned to Finland 9 years ago.


Without mindset tools, my changes were chaotic, progressing through crises which involved a lot of wasted time and money as well as uncertainty. I suffered from a chaos of ideas and became stuck in inaction. Starting new things felt tedious and awkward, and I constantly felt like I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Then I found mindset coaching and my own path, where I am now. With the right tools and a coach, this happened effortlessly in 6 months.


When we do mindset work, we learn about the root causes of behaviour and its effect on actions and consequences, such as success, happiness, etc., whatever a person's goal is.


Thinking is the foundation of our reality. It affects everything; what opportunities we see, what choices we make and how we act. If you struggle to achieve things, there is probably an unrecognized paradigm that is holding you back.

If you want to create the life you've dreamed of, contact me on +358 44 973 8050 or



Thinking into Results program


You will find your way to succeed. At the end of the training, you have started your journey towards the life you want. I'll help you get clarification on what you want and what to do to get to the end result you want.


This premium program combines individual and group mentoring and online coaching. The program contains a systematic and proven formula of how to reach the goal as a result of new thinking. You get the tools and instructions and a step-by-step action plan that is easy to incorporate into everyday life.


Together with me, you will move away from indecision, confusion, negative thought patterns and uncertainty. The end result is that you are a self-confident, determined person who easily implements changes.


The 12-week Thinking into Results program is a 12-step systematic system for creating new thinking. It contains tools and a step-by-step action plan and instructions for creating a new way of thinking that will help you reach your goals. It includes subjects such as goal, habits, understanding how the mind works, self-efficacy, fear of changing thinking and beliefs, attitude and leadership.


After the program, you will have a clear goal and an action plan, as well as the self-confidence to move towards it in bigger steps.

Bob Proctor introduces the program here


Visit my Instagram account @jomicoaching and join my free Power of the mind - learn how to work with your mind Facebook group for free content and my unique way of teaching this material.


Interested? Book a complimentary goal setting session and we'll get to know each other. I'll explain  how I can help, and we'll decide together whether I am right fit for you.


Book your session here:



Our results are a reflection of our behaviour.

Ask yourself every day, "what can I do today to move closer to my dream" and take action.

  • International Professional Teacher, HAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland, 2023
  • Bachelor of Heath Care, Lab University of Applied Sciences, Finland, 2017
  • Master of Planning, University of NSW, Australia, 2011
  • Bachelor of Arts in English Literature, University of Greenwich, UK, 1999

  • Proctor Gallagher Consultant and Thinking into Results program facilitator, Proctor Gallagher Institute, 2021
  • Licensed Practitioner of NLP®, 2018
  • Kundalini yoga teacher 200h (Kundalini Research Institute), 2013
  • Hatha yoga teacher 200h (Sivananda Yoga Vedanta), 2008

”Itsensä johtaminen tarkoittaa sitä, että tietää mitä haluaa sekä kykyä vaikuttaa ajatuksiin ja toimintaan saavuttaakseen sen mitä haluaa. Se, että osaa viedä haluamansa asiat käytäntöön vaatii itsetuntemusta, harjoittelua ja ymmärrystä mihin käyttäytyminen perustuu.”


-Mia Kröneck

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Customer feedback Thinking into Results program:











"I have learned to understand how my thinking effects my actions. For the first time, I have identified paradigms that have prevented me from reaching my goals. Using the program's tools, I have learned how to change paradigms that are not serving me. As a result, I got the desired relationship I wanted and found a meaningful network where I can fulfil myself professionally."












"The program has helped me to organize my thoughts, feelings and actions and this has helped me to focus on what is essential. It has also reduced negative thoughts and feelings towards myself and others. My income has also increased."





Jomi Coaching

Mia Kröneck

phone: +358 44 973 8050


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Lue lisää Visma Paysta:




Visma Pay -palvelun kautta voit maksaa verkkopankkitunnuksilla, lompakolla, maksukorteilla (credit/debit), laskulla tai osamaksulla. Käytettävissä ovat seuraavat maksutavat: Osuuspankki, Nordea, Danske Bank, Oma Säästöpankki, Säästöpankki, Aktia, Paikallisosuuspankit, S-Pankki, Handelsbanken, Ålandsbanken, MobilePay, Masterpass, Pivo, Visa-, Visa Debit-, Visa Electron-, MasterCard- ja Debit MasterCard -kortit, sekä Jousto, Alisa Lasku ja Alisa Yrityslasku.


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Alisa Lasku on joustava ja turvallinen maksutapa. Maksutapa sopii kaikille yli 20-vuotiaille kuluttajille kaiken tyyppisiin ostoksiin. Halutessasi voit jakaa laskun pienempiin osiin ja maksaa takaisin jopa 60 erässä. Lisätietoja Alisa Laskuun liittyen löydät osoitteesta:


Alisa Yrityslasku on joustava ja turvallinen maksutapa yrityksille. Maksutapa sopii kaikille suomalaisille yrityksille yhtiömuodosta riippumatta. Ostajan osto-oikeus varmennetaan kokonaan digitaalisesti ja ostotapahtuma vie vain muutaman minuutin. Yritys voi itse valita sopivan maksuajan kolmesta eri vaihtoehdosta: 14 päivää, 30 päivää tai 60 päivää. Lisätietoja Alisa Yrityslaskuun liittyen löydät osoitteesta:


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